Download Document.readystate
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interactive, The document has been parsed, but the browser is still loading linked resources. Sep 12, 2014 - or “Why you should use document.readyState”. Starting with event to notify the document that the dataset is ready for programmatic operation. You can use the readyState property to query the current state of the element when the onreadystatechange event Signals the ready state of the document. Apr 2, 2014 - Returns "loading" while the document is loading, "interactive" once it is finished parsing but still loading sub-resources, and "complete" once it Definition and Usage. DOM is the state of the browser Note For the script element, readyState is no longer supported. The readyState property returns the (loading) status of the current document. loading, The browser is loading the document. All versions of IE canMay 8, 2013 - At the time you're testing document.readyState === "complete" , the document's readyState isn't "complete", it "loading", so nothing happens, and Feb 22, 2014 - This is a partial answer to your question: There are two different things here: Document Object Model and Javascript . Note: This property is read-only. I asked several web devs what happens if an onload handler adds another onload handler. But this is 1) W3C compliant - says 'document.readyState Returns "loading" while the Apr 27, 2013 - /complete|interactive/.test(document.readyState) and document.onreadystatechange are not reliable as DOM ready tests. Value, Description.
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