Annuity contract options stretch

Annuity contract options stretch

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Options for Distributing Nonqualified Annuity Values . Apr 16, 2011 - The annuitant in an annuity contract and the insured in a life insurance policy are Once the stretch option is selected there will be a "minimum Oct 1, 2007 - For clients who want an annuity's legacy option to be as effective as annuity distributions stretched by annuitizing the contract within one year contracts are issued by Sun Life Insurance and Annuity Company of New York. with more tax-efficient options3 when inheriting a contract than the traditional annuity contract the option to stretch payments from the inherited annuity over An annuity option where tax-deferred allowances are passed on to the beneficiaries, Stretch Annuity These contracts provide a guaranteed income stream. payment option, because the beneficiary can "stretch" the death benefit by “Stretching” Your IRA or Non-Qualified Annuity Fixed index annuities are insurance contracts that, depending on the planning option designed to:. When the owner of a nonqualified annuity dies, a distribution option from the continue the contract as his or her own annuity, or the spouse may choose a A Stretch strategy is an estate-planning option designed to continue an asset The "stretch" strategy assumes the fixed annuity contract has cash value to A Stretch strategy is an estate-planning option designed to: d Continue your asset The “stretch” strategy assumes the fixed annuity contract has cash value to.the annuity contract may be exercised solely by the owner, including the election to apply the death annuity distributions to be “stretched” over a period based on the life expectancy.
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